The Sewing List
A couple of days ago, Erin (over at A Dress a Day) posted her sewing to do list. As I've had mine milling about in my brain for some time, but not quite making it to paper, I thought I'd brainstorm it here.
- Finish art smock for Helen
- Finish handkerchiefs for Mary
- Clean sewing room
- Revisit the skirt I am working on
- Make myself an apron from this pattern
- Search for a coat pattern - I am looking for something military-esque, but knee length and somewhat flared that could be made out of Gore-tex fabric (I live in sunny Vancouver, you know). I cannot stand these tube-shaped parkas that all the moms in my neighbourhood seem to be wearing. It's wet here, not bitterly cold.
- Experiment with sewing knit material by refashioning two lousy t-shirts into one funky nightgown
- Pick apart the tiered skirt I made for myself last summer and remake it
- Find shirtdress pattern
- Make vitagey flowered cotton into said shirtdress
I'm no fashionista, but I have come to the place in my life where if I am prepared to plunk down a chunk of money for a garment, then it had better look fabulous AND be highly functional.