New Buttons!

This morning, I had a little time when I only had Clara with me, so we dashed off to Dressew and picked up some new buttons. I am so glad I did. Here is one of the new buttons. They are a medium royal colour and are a little wider than the previous buttons, but they still fit through the loops.

The other reason I am glad I switched is that they were ever so much faster to sew on since I could do two at once. Here you can see a side view of that process. I used toothpicks to create some space for the loop.

Now I just need to take pictures of my kids in the aprons and make up a display poster...

Oh! I am going to cheat a little on the handkerchiefs and only hem them by folding them over once and stitch them down with a small, close zigzag stitch. I just tested it on the thickest fabric and I think that will work just fine. They only problem is that I am running right out of white thread...


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