On the First Day of Christmas...

Our family celebrates twelve days of Christmas. On the first day (Christmas Day) we all open stockings. I bought all of the items for the kids' stockings and our housemate's stocking completely forgetting that David and I have stockings as well. Ner. So I went back out and braved the problematic task of filling a stocking for my spouse. This is Mr. No-Hobby. Mr. Not-Into-Material-Possessions-In-Any-Way. Fun to shop for, I tell you.

But the forces were with me. After staring and staring in different shops waiting for inspiration, I saw a small cast iron morter and pestle. Perfect. I added a stainless steel waterbottle to that and a bar of chocolate and he was good to go.

In my stocking I found a teapot-shaped bicycle bell (David can now have my old nondescript one for his bike.), some fudge, a package of Anna's ginger cookies, and a piece of art made of banana leaves. It's an image of impalas. He said I sould feel free to return it. (I think I will. The shop where he bought it had beautiful recycled silk scarves that I greatly desire... I tried sending him telepathic messages, but I guess it didnt work.)

I don't know what the kids are cooking up for me, but David and I have agreed to go shopping at the local gourmet kitchen shop together for our gifts to each other.


Gorgeous Things said…
What a lovely set of gifts!

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