Han Solo Shirt Finished! BurdaStyle 05-2010-145

I finished the shirt late Sunday afternoon. Peter loves it. It all went together pretty easily, but the cuffs were a bit finicky. It's definitely NOT perfect. None of the edges are identical to their mates, but it's not so far off to be noticeable. This fabric has a fair bit of stretch to it, which made edge stitching the collar and cuffs a bit tricky, but I am hopeful that after a trip through the wash everything will be just fine. speaking of the cuffs...

They turned out pretty well! I sewed almost the entire shirt on my vintage Singer and of course used the buttonhole attachment to make those lovely buttonholes.

They only time I used my Janome was to zigzag the seam allowances in the sleeves and side seams. Then I topstitched them in place as a faux flat-felled seam. I actually couldn't topstitch the entire side and sleeve seam because the sleeve is simply too narrow to manage it. On an adult shirt I think it would be possible.

I used my narrow hem foot to hem the shirt, but had to stop near the side seams because the layers of fabric were entirely too thick to go through the spiral on the foot, so I had to go back and finish those sections by hand.

Here are some shots of Peter wearing the shirt. Obviously the sleeves are too long, but he will continue to grow, so temporarily, I am going to remove and move the buttons on the cuffs to make them more snug. That should keep the sleeves off his hands. He wore the shirt to church Sunday evening and received PILES of compliments. He then wore it all the next day playing Star Wars with the other kids (and got it dirty! Let's hope the fabric comes clean easily!).


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