Changes Afoot

Hello friends,

I am changing my blog around a bit over the next few days. My new domain will be but you should still be able to access my blog using

So no worries everyone. I hope you like the changes!

UPDATE: As luck would have it, I again lost my blogrolls. I will do my best to recover them, but if you know of a blog (perhaps yours - particularly my "Friends Blogs") for which I used to have a link, please leave me a comment with the address.


Karin said…
I just found you, added you to my blog roll and now you are changing addresses! Never mind, I think I can just update your new address right now (I only understand the most basic technical aspects of this blogging lark!)
Hey Karin, I just found you a few weeks ago, too!

To my knowledge, you can delete me and replace me. But the old address should continue to be re-routed here.

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