
An average day.

It rained in the nice, quiet way that it typically does here, so the children and I ran an errand and spent a good bit of time at the library this morning.

Then lunch, followed by naps.

Then gymnastics for the eldest. Today he has decided that he can participate from the very beginning of class. He spent absolutely no time sitting on the sidelines, sucking his fingers, and screwing up his courage to join the others. He just ran right in. I about fell over.

Tonight, my husband made dinner for everyone, so after gym class, my primary responsibility was to keep the children happy. I was successful, but in large part to their willingness to keep themselves quietly and safely occupied.

The kiddos are now asleep and my husband and I are sitting at our computers doing bits of work. My main task is to select readings for an advent book/calendar/liturgy that we are putting together.

All is well.


Michael said…
All this from someone who doesn't like writing, or so she says. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

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