Butterfly Headpiece Nearly Complete Part 1

I had thought I would simply go buy a headband or a hat for a headpiece for Clara's costume. Today it occurred to me that this would actually take a lot more time and energy than trying to figure out how to make a head piece at home. I googled around for a bit and read a great how-to over at Burdastyle and held it in the back of my head while I worked on the wings. Tonight, right before dinner I remembered that we had a dragon hood in our dress-up box that I could trace a copy of.

Here is the pattern and the pieces (I cut four, but they are stacked together).

I sewed them together along the center seam (both the lining pieces and the outer pieces) and then carefully pressed the seams open.

I fitted the lining to the outer piece, right sides together, and pinned like mad in case the fabric shifted. I left a space (between the double pins - something my mother taught me) unsewn for turning the hood right side out.

Getting ready to press and topstitch the edges.

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