Kid Pajamas

I happened to find this really lovely striped cotton interlock for cheap (maybe $4.99 a metre?) at Dressew back in the fall and I bought a bunch of it to make kid pajamas. I use Kwik Sew 3234 just like Dawn does. Peter needed PJs most, so I made two sets for him and one for each of the girls. Clara, of course, wanted a nightgown. My pattern for this was originally based on a Jalie pattern, but at this point it's been slashed and spread and a different sleeve added, etc, so now it's pretty much my own pattern. Sorry there's no clear picture of the nightgown...

Here are the green and blue striped PJs:

I too add a loop of twill tape to the backs of my kid garments. But since there were similar looking garments in different sizes, I stitched the first initial onto the loop.

Cozy for bedtime reading!

I used the serger I borrowed for constructing these PJs. I have to say I was less than impressed at the strength of the seams. Maybe I had the tension set wrong or something. Anyway, I think at this point I am happier with my zigzag machine even though it means that I have to go over every seam twice (once with very narrow zigzag to stitch the seam and once with the triple-step zigzag to secure the seam allowances).


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