Monday, Monday

Hey Everyone! Here's my sewing to-do list for this week:

  1. Finish the Butterick dress. It's looking really nice so far. I added a contrasting band of fabric between the bodice and the skirt and that is working quite well.
  2. Measure the person who will wear the vest from this costume.

And really, that's it. Once I get this dress done I have to make a serious plan about how much sewing I will get done (and when) for the next month. I have had a few requests from friends and from my girls that I would like to honor, but I need to be realistic.

What are you all up to this week?


So I forgot a few things.

The most prominent two being:

Figure out how to go about making highly washable slipcovers for the local family drop-in center.


Write up a blurb of some sort for a silent auction. I am offering to make a custom t-shirt out of organic cotton jersey.

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